Our commitment is to provide a safe and developmentally appropriate environment based on Christian principles.

Fayetteville First Baptist Church offers a Parent's Morning Out Program for Babies and One-year-olds, as well as a Preschool Program for two, three and four-year-old children. The Preschool Programs provide a safe, healthy environment where talented, well-trained teachers use a variety of excellent teaching materials and strategies to foster the learning process. Our programs provide an enriched developmental environment for children where a variety of learning activities and experiences are available. The program is open both to the Fayetteville First Baptist family and to the community.
Believing that each child is created in the image of God as a unique individual, we endeavor to create a developmental curriculum rich in experiences and opportunities where each child's spiritual, social, emotional, cognitive and physical development can progress. Our thematic units provide activities and learning experiences across content areas that include language development, reading, math, science, health and safety, art, music, sensory-based movement experiences, technology and computers, and Chapel. We incorporate appropriate activities to allow a child many opportunities for exploration and growth, such as manipulatives, puzzles, water play, musical instruments, books, art projects, and outside activities.

For this current school year, we have spots open in all classes except 2 year olds - contact us below for more information



Babies (2 days)
Registration Fee: $205

One Year Olds (2 days)
Registration Fee: $205


PreK Two, Three and Four (4 days)
Registration/Activity Fee: $275

BABIES (8wks-1yr)
Two Day Classes: Tuesday, Thursday, 9:00-1:00

ONE YEAR OLDS (1yr old by Sept. 1)
Two Day Classes: Tuesday, Thursday, 9:00-1:00

TWO YEAR OLDS (2yrs old by Sept. 1)
Four Day Classes: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00-12:00

THREE YEAR OLDS (3yrs old by Sept. 1)

Four Day Classes: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00-12:00

ld by Sept. 1)
Four Day Classes: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00-12:00
Lunch Bunch 
Optional for ages 2-4 from 12:00 until 1:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The fee is $5 per day.

Registration forms are being accepted for all classes, and some classes are beginning to fill.

*Children enrolling in the Three Year Old Program and Older MUST be completely toilet trained.

*Registration Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE

Please call JoAlison Higgins at 770-461-3829 with any questions you may have.